Construction Material Testing
Eyncon Engineering’s materials technicians are well trained in field and laboratory testing and inspection methods, holding certifications from state and national accreditors including: American Concrete Institute, and the Texas Department of Transportation.
Eyncon Engineering is committed to provide timely and reliable construction-materials observation, testing, and inspection services. Each observation/inspection/testing project is provided with an Eyncon Engineering Project Manager, assigned to follow the project from the proposal through reporting. Timely response for testing and inspection services is critical to maintain quality of constructed facilities. We maintain close contact with the superintendent or our client’s representative and our technicians to minimize the possibility of missing a critical placement or activity that requires our service.
Services Include:
- Observations and Testing for Soil and Concrete for highways, bridges and dams, landfills, buildings and structures of all types
- Observations of reinforcing steel, structural steel and post tension to ensure they are correctly stressed and located
- Pavement Design Services for roads, highways, parking areas
- Concrete batch plant inspection
- Concrete strength testing, concrete mix designs, and in-place strength investigations
- Inspection of concrete placement and concrete curing
- Soils and Aggregates Testing for Construction Materials Engineering Projects
- Moisture-density relationship (Proctor) of soils and aggregates
- Moisture, density of soils and aggregates by nuclear, ring sleeve or sand cone methods